Man, you are so arrogant
1. What is your take on the mystery contestant still stuck on Spratly?
I think there's enough Spratly players, we don't need anymore coming to the island. I would perfer the MP to be someone from a different season like Libby or Richard. Even a brand new player would be better than seeing more Sprats
2. Why do you think you were brought back as a hero?
I was a very loyal to the people I was completely loyal to and as Host Tom said there were people who wanted me to win as Vee. I also see my act of giving my idol to protect Sandra from being voted off very heroic. Even if it resulted in my departure in the next round.
3. Who do you think is on the wrong tribe, a Villain you consider a Hero or vice versa?
I alway thought Brenden was more of a good guy but I guess the Host saw a bit of a bad guys in him. thats about it.
4. Who is rubbing you the wrong way in this game right now, if at all?
5. If you could rank yourself in your tribe, 1 being the most valuable, what number would you give yourself?
somewhere in the Top 3 spot.
6. As of right now, who are your top allies in the game?
PG, Nicole, Courtney, & Rob C
7: What is your take on the graveyard?
I think its a place to get an idol
8: Do you think going to the graveyard this early in the game might put a target on your back?
No, I think it would be stupid for someone to be voted off just because they were sent to the graveyard. I have other reasons why I want certain people voted off
9: If a tribal shuffle were to happen, who would you want on your tribe from the opposing tribe? Who wouldn't you want at all?
I'd like to keep all my allies with a couple of the villians that I could vote off. having Brianna or Eliza around might also help me with votes since it appears they're on the outs.
10: Are you going to back stab people this game?
I might. Boston Rob and I see things differently as to certain allies and who should be voted off, but I'm not going to tell him that. For now I'm going to stay loyal to my alliance
It's not really payback if you're not the one doing it
and if you were the MP, it would be unfair for you to be able to see my confessional